Brian Arthur Brown has had a lengthy career as a minister of the United Church of Canada, east, west, north and central, spanning 50 years in the pulpit, beginning as an intern ag St. James in Montreal, several churches in BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan plus a couple in Ontario until finishing at the small country congregation of St. John’s Stevensville in Niagara, a high point of his career. Interfaith relations, integration of refugees and other aspects of community life were always elements of those ministries, otherwise centered on the sanctuary and pastoral care.
Dr. Brown is currently Scholar-in-Residence at the historic and progressive First Baptist Church of Niagara Falls, New York, an “objective perch” from which he is currently writing two books commissioned by Wood Lake Publishing to prepare for and to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the United Church of Canada as a denomination. That church is a world leader in progressive advances of the Christian community in the midst of multicultural realities in more places than just Canada, though his home country has provided the nexus for the professional relationships which have informed the writing of this Canadian author.