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The Washington Launch of Three Testaments at the Canadian Embassy

March 25, 2012
We are well into the virtual launch portion of our book launch plans for Three Testaments. Those attending this online party are getting a glimpse of things to come in various cities, before being the first to whom actual copies of the book become available. Last month we previewed events in New York; significant additional activities have been added meanwhile, including a “study of interpretation” to be sponsored by Auburn Seminary for perhaps 200 scholars, and described as

A Beit Midrash on the occasion of publication of the scriptures

of the family of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar together for the first time.

To keep pace with our plans, and for host committees in each city to inspire each other, we move on this month to a preview of events in Washington, though there too planning is still underway.

Book Launch for Three Testaments: Torah, Gospel and Quran in Washington

The launch event itself is at the Canadian Embassy at 3:00 pm on September 11. Ambassador Doer will greet diplomats, academics, politicians, clergy and “believers” from various congregations as they arrive for this launch on the eleventh anniversary of a terrible day in American history. The tenth anniversary was perhaps cathartic, but events like these are meant to be more positive, in support of Jews, Christians and Muslims moving into a new era together.

After social mingling and refreshments for possibly 200 expected guests, we will be called to order with a few words of welcome from the Canadian ambassador. Jenny Brown, wife of the contributing editor, ceremonially unveils a pile of books for presentation to representatives of the diplomatic community, political leaders, Georgetown University, the Rumi Forum, the Shalom Center, Catholic and Presbyterian church leaders, and representatives of other agencies.

Following a press conference for Sojourners Magazine, Interfaith Radio and various public and religious media, Brian Brown will present brief readings from the book, (Toynbee on Jeremiah Among Northern Exiles, verses from The Muslim Jesus and the paraphrased Prayers of Zoroaster). In a panel style presentation, Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars will address three sections of the book (Book I “ Torah, Book II “ Gospel, and Book III “ Quran). Those scholars are likely to be Rabbi Arthur Waskow (of the Shalom Center), Dr. David Bruce (the Canadian Catholic writer of the Introduction to the Gospel), and Professor Amir Hussain (editor of the Journal of the American Academy of Religion). The moderator will be Dr. Chester Gillis, Dean of Georgetown College. We plan to adjourn at 5:00 pm.

While in Washington, the writers on the tour expect to be engaged in multiple programs around the capital city, but mainly at Georgetown University’s sprawling Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, the Department of Theology at Georgetown College and potentially the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs. From Washington, this travelling circus moves on to Dallas “ Ft. Worth, with a side trip to Austin Seminary, for events to be described next month.
Posted by: Brian Arthur Brown