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Expanding to include the Zoroastrian community

February 10, 2013
Zoroastrian practitioners / believers were not much involved in the research going into Three Testaments: Torah, Gospel and Quran. Fifteen percent of the text is written by me, and about 8% of the total is devoted to the Z factor, with substantial input from a growing body of scholars of Zoroastrianism, which is different than Zoroastrian scholars. This 8% garnered possibly more attention than it deserved from reviewers, but the hesitancy about engaging the Zoroastrian community itself was apparently ill-founded, according to Zoroastrian readers to date.

Our hesitancy in that regard, as described in the prologue, was based on information that may have been true a decade ago, regarding a gulf between critical techniques used by Jews, Christians and increasingly by Muslims, and more traditional methods in the Zoroastrian community where there were priests and lay people, but few professional scholars until recently.

I am reliably informed that scholars of Zoroastrianism and Zoroastrian scholars increasingly make up something more like a single broad discipline of scholarship these days, and that the Z factor material in Three Testaments is seen as “truly exciting” by some of them. So we are reaching out to the Zoroastrian community and Three Testaments will be reviewed in at least one of their magazines.

If you know any Zoroastrians, please help us to bring them into the conversation by referring them my website with an invitation to visit, or suggest that they get a copy of 3T from, or you may email me at with the names of Zoroastrian friends you would like me to contact. Those who have no such connections but find themselves drawn to this exciting new discipline might like to google the Bulletin of the Asian Institute to preview Volume 22. It is dedicated to Zoroastrianism and Mary Boyce. My copy just arrived and I have rarely spent $80. more profitably. "They say" that Zoroastrian Studies may be "the next big thing," now that Zoroaster's dates confirm our thinking that he may rank as "the axis of the Axial Age."
Posted by: Brian Arthur Brown