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Looking for a stage manager in New York

September 30, 2014
Three Testaments: Shalom, Peace, Salam, a readers edition of the play, is now available from www.Amazon.comm� in addition to the online script at from Cyberpress.

If you know an amateur, experienced, retired or otherwise available stage manager living in New York, our director, Arthur Strimling, will be seeking such soon for rehearsals in May 2015 and performances in June. For further information, please write to me at with recommendations, suggestions, questions or even applications.

As “faith relations” rivals “race relations” as the hot button issue of our times, we are hoping for someone with theatre experience to stage manage this riveting appeal for positive relationships between Jews, Christians and Muslims. Acting auditions for open positions will be announced at a later date for this Equity Showcase production at the West End Theatre in NYC.
Posted by: Brian Arthur Brown