K.C. Hanson, Editor-in-Chief of Cascade books at Wipf and Stock Publishing (the Christian publisher in our consortium), has urged that we engage one of the major publishers as the umbrella for Three Testaments and suggested Oxford for their global reach, Yale University Press for their interest in the topic of late and their US dominance, and Rowman & Littlefield as the best market distributor these days. Conversations with acquision editors in these publishing houses led to the requirement that we submit a couple sample chapters which meant putting everything else on hold for a month. That task is now done, though we do not know yet which, if any, of these particular publishers will join us.
That being accomplished, the first two chapters are now available to you, in draft form, not yet footnoted and lacking the prologue material which will establish the basis for resolution of conflicting evidence on some of the points regarding Zoroastrian history in relation to what we are discovering in the Quran these days.
There will be three styles of writing in the book: my "good read" populist chapters, the scholarly entries in the three Prefaces and three Introductions to the Three Parts, and finally, the scriptural texts themselves. The three styles will be held together by the artwork which will serve as the "continuo", to use a symphonic term.
All that, to let you know that Chapters One and Two can be found in draft just under the "Join the Conversation" bar in the Research File. Reactions welcome, of course.
Next month, more about that artwork and a call for submissions.
Join the Conversation
Draft of First Two Chapters
October 25, 2009